Gilnahirk Pipe Band

Formed 1919

Read All About it!

We are continuing to develop our online presence through Twitter. Anyone who currently follows @gilnahirkpb will know that we have a fairly lively exchange with other Bands from all across the world and we can now bring you all the Twitter content in the form of a "Daily Newspaper", courtesy of - just click on this link to the Pipe Bands Daily.

How full the paper is will depend on the number of posts over the last 24 hours and the number of links which have been shared by other members of the List we maintain of Tweeting Pipe Bands.

We are also able to publish a paper under the title Gilnahirk Pipe Band Daily - which includes everyone we follow - not just the bands, for a more eclectic mix. So, if you are not on Twitter, why not give one of the papers a read to see what is going on in the Piping and Drumming World?